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​We can’t thank the following individuals, foundations, and corporations enough for their support. They are covering 100% of the writers' costs, including home rental, food, travel, and, for our Triple R program, actors, directors, musicians; and each writer gets a $550 stipend. This list represents donations from January 1, 2023 through June 15, 2024.



$20,000 and above

National Endowment for the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts
Liz Armstrong


$10,000 to $19,999

Steve and Paula Reynolds


$5,000 to $9,999
The ASCAP Foundation Bart Howard Fund

Howard Ashman Trust for Theater Arts, Inc

Paul Feuerman and Bruce Grivetti
The National Foundation for Musical Theatre

The Noël Coward Foundation, in honor of Geoffrey Johnson

Liz and Bill Mills


$3,000 to $4,999
Kathy Evans and Bill Baldwin
Molly McEneny

Dawn Robertson

Concord Theatricals


$500 to $2,999

Randy Adams
Anthony Chiocchi

Joel Dommel
Daniel Egan and Kate Glasner
Jody Falco and Jeffrey Steinman
Rick Farrar and Jeff Zadroga
Elizabeth Hurry
Craig Katerberg

Kathy Krupp, in honor of Molly McEneny

Judy Kuhn

Deborah Landesman
Elaine and Steve Lev 

Karen Levinson
Fraser Madden

Katrina McCann

Joanne Mournet, in honor of Molly McEneny
Music Theatre International

Ben Nissen
Cornelia Ravenal

Alex Robertson

Dana Rosenfeld
Paul Rosenthal, in honor of Molly McEneny
Julie Seymour

Alec Stais
Seth Stuhl

Damon Suden

Steve Symonds
Barbara Whitman​​​

$200 to $499

Rebecca Aparicio
Beverly Bartow in honor of Molly McEneny
Anastasios Bountouvas
Cathy Cabrera and Rick Ungar

Richard Coombs and Seth Stuhl, in honor of Damon Sudden
Shelia Dietrich, in honor of Kathy Evans
Stephen and Sondra Beninati

Suzanna Hermans

Rodney Hicks

Charlie Hitchcock

Adina Schecter, in honor of Molly McEneny

Pamela Kaplan
Nathan Knight
Kathy Krupp, in honor of Molly McEneny
Karen Levinson
Nan Morrison
Dana Rosenfeld
Nicholas Russotto
Amy Schwartz
Kirsten Sechler
Natasha Sinha
Susan Strickler
Laura Taylor Swain & Andy Swain

Betsy Tomic

Jeff Zimmerman and Sharon Weinbberg


$100 to $199
Bronwyn Bevan
Andrew Calkins
Dorothy Denny & Gully Stanford

Linda Ferris
David Frutkoff

Judy Honig
Joselin Linder

Patricia Marchetti
Oblong Books LLC
David Sassoon
Cynthia Schalk

Margaret Streeter Lauck
Nancy Tierney

Corporate Support through matching grants

Ralph Lauren Corporation

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Rhinebeck Writers Retreat is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Our programs are made possible in part by an award from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


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